The Carson City School District has received federal Coronavirus relief funding under the following federal acts:

    • CRRSA:  The Corona Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act; an act of Congress that provided a second round of federal relief funds to school districts:
    • ESSER II:  The second round of federal funding allocated to school districts during the 2020/21 school year (December 2020)
  • Carson City School District received $4,420,111.74


    • ARP:  The American Rescue Plan; an act of Congress signed into law in March of 2021. The Act funded the third round of COVID-19 relief funding for schools:
    • ESSER III:  The third round of Federal funding allocated to school districts during the 2020/21 school year (March, 2021)
  • Carson City School District received $9,916,387.00


The Carson City School District, with input from stakeholders within our community, has developed a plan for the use of these funds: Carson City SD ESSER III Use Funds Plan- 8-21

The following resources provide more information on federal relief funding for school districts:  

  • Nevada Department of Education, Federal Relief Funding for K-12 Education
  • Overview of the CRRSA, ESSER II Funding; NDE Memorandum, 2-10-2021
  • Nevada State Plan for the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER II) Fund
  • NDE ARP ESSER Planning Guide for School Districts
  • U.S. Department of Education, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Programs, Frequently Asked Questions, May 2021