Carson High to be Honored with Purple Star Designation, Military Families Invited to Attend
Military families and other community members are invited to gather on the front lawn of Carson High School Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 8 a.m., where a ceremony will be held to honor the school for being designated as a
Nevada Purple Star School for supporting military-connected students and their families.
In observance of
Military Children Month, Carson City military families stand in front of Nevada’s Governor’s Mansion, which is illuminated in purple. Although the observance is celebrated throughout April, the
Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission selected Wednesday, April 17, 2024, as “Purple Up!” day as a way for communities to support military children for their strength and sacrifice.
Left to right: Anthony and Lindsey Bass with their three children Riley, Caden and Brody. Additionally, at the right, is Lisa and Zachary Guiza. Photo Credit: Jeff Mulvihill, instaimage.