The Wild Horse Children’s Theater and Empire Elementary School have partnered to host a mini-musical production at the school Monday, April 4, at 5:30 p.m. Approximately 30 students, grades 3-5, will be performing in the play.
The after-school theater program has had the young actors, singers and dancers rehearsing their lines, vibrato and choreography for more than 8-weeks leading up to the big day.
The play, “Matter and Its Properties: The Science of Stuff” is a fun and educational musical production where students, portraying morning TV show hosts, welcome guests to talk about the building blocks of the universe. The lively TV program, complete with commercials, will explore whether a cake can be unbaked or if a house can be built out of gumdrops.
The topic of the play was selected by members of the school staff and is reflective of the school’s focus and status as the only Governor’s Designated STEM School in the district.
The theater project was made possible through dedicating a small portion of the district’s Federal Title III grant, which provides supplemental funds with the intent of expanding and enhancing extant English language development and academic instruction programs. Additionally, Title III guidance mandates that a portion of that funding be devoted to ensuring parent, family and community engagement.
“The goal of this endeavor was two-fold,” said Tanya Scott, Ph.D. and assistant director of equity and English Learner Programming. “First, we wanted to bring an opportunity for enrichment via participating in the arts for students at the school site. Secondly, we thought beyond engaging parents as spectators, that perhaps parents might be encouraged to volunteer and lend their talents in a manner that is beyond what we typically task parent volunteers with. For example, many parents are involved in creating some of the props for the play.”