The two-week long Apex Leadership Company training and fundraiser at Fritsch Elementary School not only provided a focused leadership and fitness curriculum that culminated in a school-wide fun run and obstacle course, but it also helped gross nearly $20,000 that benefited the school by more than $10,000 for specialist programs including playground equipment, musical instruments and technology.
Additionally, the fundraiser will help build new clean drinking water wells for communities in Africa and other countries in need. For every student at Fritsch Elementary School who raised at least $300, Apex promised to donate, on their dime, enough money to provide clean drinking water to one person in Africa, for up to 4 years.
This newer fundraising model is not only benefiting children globally, but it also gets kids here locally back into exercise and fitness as well as teaching them key leadership and social and emotional learning (SEL) skills.
The fundraiser helped each student believe the following:
- They can change their school and the world in a profound way
- Serving others brings the greatest joy and contributes to the greater good
- Encouragement and enthusiasm builds others up
- Raising money for your school can also serve as a positive learning experience
- Many people giving a little makes deep and lasting changes in peoples’ lives for the better
At the conclusion of the fundraising and leadership training program, each student was able to participate in all Apex activities, regardless of financial giving, as well as receive daily leadership lesson bracelets and a medal for completing the obstacle course.