COVID-19 FAQ for Staff



How often is my work area being cleaned and disinfected?  Our standard process cleaning program requires our staff to disinfect touchpoints, table surfaces, and restrooms every night.  We began an enhanced disinfectant program, electrostatic disinfectant misting, in health offices every night in January 2020 and will continue every night. This will be performed 4 nights a week in common areas, hallways, Cafeterias, and main entries. Classrooms will be electrostatic disinfected twice a week and CHEE disinfected twice a week. Bio layers will be stripped off surfaces and cleaned with surfactant (soap) once or twice a month so that the disinfecting can begin again. Additionally, all high touch surfaces are being pre-treated with BioProtect, a highly effective microbial control system to help physically reduce and control the population and spread of microorganisms.

Are teachers lounges open and if not, how do I prepare my lunch? 
This may vary depending on your worksite and the size of the lounge area. Please consult with your building administrator.  

What do I do if I develop flu-like symptoms and/or a fever, while I am at work?  
Please contact your administration immediately. Do not go to the nurse’s office or the front office of your school. There are employee safety stations equipped with no touch thermometer in staff restrooms. Please follow the instructions posted on the wall at the safety station and call the health department when you get home. 

I heard from someone I know that a person I was around, whether at work or otherwise   tested positive for Covid-19. I am concerned I may have been exposed. What should I do?
Contact your local health department’s Covid-19 hotline and discuss the situation with the screener. They will advise you of your risk for exposure and whether you should be tested.  Follow their directions and if instructed to stay isolate or quarantine, notify your supervisor and Human Resources (775) 283-2001 or 283-2002. 


Am I required to wear a face covering while at work?


Will the District provide a face covering for me? The District will make face masks available for employees returning to work onsite. Employees who prefer to supply their own face coverings may do so, as long as the face covering adheres to the CDC guidance and District Dress Code Policy.  


What kind of face covering is required?
A “face covering” is defined as a covering that fully covers a person’s nose and mouth, including without limitation, cloth face masks, surgical masks, towels, scarves, and bandanas. The intent of a cloth face covering is to reduce the potential for the wearer to contaminate their immediate environment by spreading droplets from their nose and mouth when speaking, breathing, coughing, or sneezing. Common face shield devices are generally considered ineffective in providing an adequate level of droplet reduction due to large openings at the bottom of the device, near the wearer’s chin. Nevada OSHA will recognize the use of supplemental fabric that effectively closes the bottom opening of the face shield as providing an equivalent level of droplet contamination reduction as the standard face covering. 


What if I refuse to wear a face covering? While the District understands that face coverings may not be preferred by some individuals, the District is required to comply with the Governor’s Emergency Declaration 028. Unless you satisfy one of the exemption criteria outlined above you will be expected to wear a face covering when present at a District facility and/or in public acting on behalf of the District. 

In the event that an employee does not satisfy one of the exemption criteria and refuses to wear a face covering as required, the employee may be sent home and required to use vacation leave accruals (if applicable) in order to remain in a paid status. Unpaid leave requests related to this requirement will not be approved. Employees whose refusal to wear a face covering as required interferes with the performance of expected work may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from service with the District. 


What if I cannot wear a face covering due to a medical condition?
If you have concerns about wearing a mask due to a medical condition, please contact your physician and request written guidance. Provide this guidance to your supervisor  


What should I do if a co-worker is not following the safety guidelines?
If you are comfortable politely addressing this with your co-worker, please do. If the issue is not resolved contact your supervisor for support in ensuring that your understanding of the requirements is correct and in addressing any non-compliance. 


I have a medical condition that may put me at increased risk of illness. I am concerned about returning to work. What should I do?  
Please discuss it with your doctor and ask them if it is safe for you to return to work. If they recommend modifications, ask your doctor to provide a written description of what is recommended and provide this written recommendation to Human Resources.

I don’t have an underlying health condition, but I still don’t feel safe returning to my worksite even if socially distanced and provided with PPE. What are my options?  
The school district has taken extraordinary measures to ensure your safety. If you choose not to report to work, you may elect to use leave if applicable. Consult with your supervisor as to your concerns. 

I was contacted by the health department and advised that I had been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19. What should I do?
Notify your supervisor and Human Resources to coordinate your use of leave. Follow the instructions from the health department. 

I have tested positive for Covid-19, but I have no symptoms and I’d like to work. What should I do? 
Notify your supervisor and Human Resources to coordinate your use of leave. Follow the instructions from the health department. 

If the community spread continues to spike before school resumes will the District hold off on the hybrid plan and revert to remote learning until the spike goes down for 14 consecutive days?
The District will follow the advice of Carson City Health & Human Services as well as any new directive from the state. 

Will there be mandatory temperature checks for everyone entering school buildings?
No. Employees are expected to self-monitor using the Covid-19 Daily Self Screening Tool. Parents enrolling students in the hybrid model agree to screen their students daily.  The CDC does not currently recommend universal symptom screenings (screening all students grades K-12) be conducted by schools.

Who is responsible for adjustments to HVAC systems to maximize indoor air quality, and at what intervals will verifications be needed?
The Director of Operations is responsible for HVAC systems. The district has contracted with an HVAC Specialist to perform a HVAC Readiness and Pre-Occupancy Assessment. The final engineering report will provide us with the recommendations of OSHA, CDC and ASHRAE. The district has upgraded to a MERV-13 filters for all conditioning equipment and will be changed 3 times per year. A pre and post occupancy fresh air flush will be performed daily for the entire building and increased fresh air will be added to the buildings during occupancy.

Who will provide disinfectant items? Who will be responsible that each room is disinfected properly each day?
Disinfectants will be provided by the District and a district sanitation team has been formed to ensure daily treatment.

Will signs be posted in highly visible locations (e.g., school entrances, restrooms) that promote everyday protective measures and describe how to stop the spread of germs (such as proper handwashing and use of a cloth face-covering)?
Yes, the District has worked with a facilities vendor to design public communications for each building to include posters, floor decals, wayfinding, etc.  

How will you ensure that reliable, widespread COVID-19 testing and effective tracing is in place at school sites?
The health department is responsible for testing and tracing. The school district is working in close collaboration to support the health department in this effort.

What is the communication plan to notify staff, parents, and community officials in the event that a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19? 
The health department is responsible for notification. 

Are there directives for when the school should close due to an outbreak and move to an online learning environment?
Yes, these directives are based on data shared between the school district and the health department and must also take into consideration outside matrices such as community spread. 

Will there be more flexible sick-day policies for all school-based personnel and encourage utilizing with even minor symptoms?
Yes. Leave policies are available on the district website. Human Resources will work with each employee on an individual case by case basis, in accordance with HIPPA rules.

Will people have to be 100% asymptomatic to work on any given day? To the point where if someone has a cough or trouble breathing they stay home? Or are some symptoms acceptable? Which ones?
Employees are encouraged to discuss their symptoms with their doctor or a screener at the health department to receive guidance on their ability to safety be in the work environment. 

What if a student in your kid's class tests positive? What if your kid tests positive? Does every other student and teacher they have been around quarantine? Do we all get notified who is infected and when?
 The health department is the only agency having authority to make those notifications.  The school district will work closely with the health department to assist them.

Where is the pool of substitute teachers coming from? Will subs have to commit to one specific school in order to minimize contact circles? Will classes have to double up if there are not enough subs?
We will continue to recruit and hire as many subs as we can. Unfortunately, the shortage of substitute teachers is still a national issue. Given our current circumstances we follow all of the safety protocols to maintain a high level of wellness for all part-time and full-time staff. Administrators will work with teachers to maintain a healthy environment when sub coverage is insufficient. Each situation may require differentiated solutions.

If you do allow teachers to choose between teaching in person or online from home, will they have to certify why they request online? Will a low risk teacher be allowed to work from home due to high risk family members?
 At the time of this writing we have not received final numbers regarding how many students will be 100% online. Once we know the numbers of students at the elementary and secondary levels, the District will make the necessary staffing changes to serve our full-time online students. How staff members will be chosen to work solely online will be determined by an educator’s fluency with all online tools to deliver the high-quality rigorous instruction. HR will work with Ed Services in choosing staff that may fit the health needs of specific staff who have completed the required FFCRA guidelines. 

Who will educate families on when they should make the decision to keep their child home due to illness? Who will educate students and families on proper handwashing, personal hygiene, and sanitation practices related to COVID - 19?
Both the school district and the local health department are working together to promote public health education. 

Will additional school nursing services be hired?
The District will monitor the health service staffing and add additional staff necessary.  The hybrid model will reduce the workload of the school nurse and the health services team has prepared to support each other’s sites. 

How will you determine which staff are willing/able to return or gather data on who will be able to return?
These determinations are made by the Health Department. 

How will you identify and address administrators, teachers, and other staff who are identified as “vulnerable populations? 
Staff who self-identify as members of a vulnerable population may contact Human Resources to discuss the options available to them.

How will you make accommodations that are appropriate for various employee groups if the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Act is no longer in effect?What plans are needed for employees who may have to stay home to care for children or elders when schools, childcare, and eldercare programs close due to a pandemic?
 HR will provide specific information on leave options to all staff in upcoming guidance memos.

Will you offer any early retirement incentives for those teachers who are “high risk?
 Not at this time

Curriculum Questions 

Is there an equity plan that incorporates stated goals and objectives to ensure equitable learning opportunities for traditionally under-served students? Equity and access have been at the forefront of our planning for our reopening plan. We are ensuring equitable learning opportunities for our students by: 

  • Ensuring all students have access to the devices and resources they need to fully participate in both models (hybrid and remote) 

  • Ensuring all students have access to reliable, high speed internet 

  • Providing opportunities for asynchronous and synchronous learning supported by digital curriculum as well as access to highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals for instructional support 

  • Ensuring continuation of services for all students with disabilities and English Language Learners in both digital and in-person formats 

  • Providing ELD lessons in both digital and in-person formats for our English Language Learners 

  • Providing teachers and staff professional development on strategies and tools for remote and blended learning 

  • Scheduling time for SEL lessons during Monday homeroom time 

  •  Improving communication with parents through the use of ParentSquare for 2-way parent communication and through offering training for parents on the district’s pillar applications so they can support their students at home 

  • Assessing students at the beginning of the year to determine what learning gaps may exist and plan for targeted instruction to remedy those learning gaps 

  • Revisiting graduation plans for all high school students to ensure they are on track for graduation and to assess if additional supports need to be implemented to address deficiencies


Will there be time for educators to collaborate to discuss curricular changes and preparing for the next school year including professional development for remote teaching?
 We have designated seven days, August 12 – 21, for professional learning and PLC planning for teachers and staff to help our organization shift to the new hybrid and remote learning model. 

Will the district provide professional development for best practices of remote learning?
Yes, teachers will have access to both synchronous and asynchronous professional learning on best practices for professional learning.

Has the district addressed the ability to provide quality high speed broadband Internet access for every student and educator who needs it?
 Yes, we believe we have sufficient resources to provide our students with internet access if needed. All staff members will be working from their school sites and therefore will have access to high speed internet access at their school sites. 

Will the district be able to Implement a 1:1 device initiative for all students and all educators?
Yes, we have devices for all teachers and students. 

Has the district considered suspending standardized testing that is not diagnostic in 2021-2022 and allow schools and educators to focus on learning loss and student social/emotional health needs?
Standardized testing is mandated by the State. CCSD will follow all requirements set forth by the Department of Education. 

Social/Emotional Wellness and Support 

Has the district considered having two weeks dedicated to a check-in period (done virtually): a time for teachers to individually talk with students, opportunities for families to get families to get familiar with the programs their students will be using, as well as “social emotional engagement in order to help ease the anxiety and stress of the past months?
We have designated every Monday morning as “homeroom” time to provide SEL lessons and digital citizenship lessons to students. In addition, we have purchased ParentSquare to enable two-way digital communication between parents and teachers. 

Is there an action plan to support families with interventions that reduce the cycle of poverty, particularly as families face increases in unemployment, such as universal early childhood education, school meals, and health care? We have fulltime social workers at each site as well as counselors in the secondary schools that will continue to work with families that need wraparound services. We currently offer fulltime kindergarten for all students and pre-k for students meeting the incoming guidelines set forth by the State. School meals are available to all students; cost varies based on family income. School meals are offered for both in-person and remote learning days.