Carson City Sheriff’s Office Cadet Explorer and Carson High School Junior Trinity McLaren is the first Cadet to be assigned to 911 Dispatch in the Public Safety Communications Division of the Carson City Sheriff’s Department in more than 32 years.
Following in the footsteps forged decades ago by Captain (retired) Brian Humphrey, McLaren completed her Nevada State Peace Officers Standards and Training certification for Dispatchers. McLaren began the process and challenges in the Fall of 2021, and along with her curriculum studies, spent most of her Friday evenings in the Public Safety Communications Center under the Supervision of Dispatcher Cameron Sievers.
For more than three months, McLaren met three times a month for 4-5 hours on Friday nights with Sievers. In this short amount of time, she made tremendous progress that led to her completing her Certification Dispatch course. McLaren learned the basics of general radio traffic, multi-tasking phone calls and radio traffic and requests from deputies. She learned about the different call types, questions to ask according to the call type and strategies to handle stressful calls. All the topics covered are practical applications of how the material in the certification course is applied to everyday dispatch shifts.
“The Carson City Sheriff’s Office Communications Division strives to instill commitment and passion in the cadet trainee, emphasizing the highest standard of service and care for the community we serve,” said Jennifer Stoffer, division manager. “We aim to foster positive learning experiences and practical professional skills with the goal of preparing a cadet for a future career as a 911 emergency operator.
Recognizing that she is the first Cadet to complete this training and be assigned to the Public Safety Communications Division in 32 years, Sheriff Furlong congratulated McLaren on her outstanding accomplishment and added that she is an outstanding example of the power of the youth in our community and schools.