National Association of Gifted Children Position Statements
Educational acceleration is one of the cornerstones of exemplary gifted education practices, with more research supporting this intervention than any other in the literature on gifted individuals. The practice of educational acceleration has long been used to match high -level student general ability and specific talent with optimal learning opportunities.
NAGC believes that schools, districts, and states should be accountable for the learning gains of all students, including gifted and talented learners from all socio-economic, racial, and ethnic subgroups.
(Affective Needs) Nurturing Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children
The characteristics associated with giftedness (e.g., sensitivity, intensity, perceptiveness, overexcitabilites, divergent thinking, precocious talent development, advanced moral development) factor into the needs, concerns, development of gifted students. It is important that parents, educators, counselors and psychologists be informed about affective development of gifted children and adolescents and apply their knowledge in their relationships with this population.
Arts Education
NAGC believes that arts education is fundamental to an appropriate education for gifted and talented learners and should be addressed through domain-specific opportunities and authentic integration across the curriculum.
The Role of Assessments in the Identification of Gifted Students
Assessments can be used for a variety of purposes, including identifying students for gifted programs; providing ongoing feedback to guide the instructional process; and to determine to what extent students have obtained intended goals (e.g., academic, affective) within a gifted program. The purpose of this position paper is to provide parents, teachers, and other advocates of gifted students with best practices endorsed by NAGC related to the first purpose--the role of assessments in identifying students for gifted programs.
Collaboration Among All Educators to Meet the Needs of Gifted Learners
Collaboration among gifted, general, special education and related services professionals is essential to meet the varied needs of today’s diverse student population. Through a shared vision and passion for meeting the needs of all learners, specialized educators share their expertise and insights to plan for their students across programs and services.
Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards for Gifted and Talented Students
While supporting the effort to promote rigorous content standards for all learners, the National Association for Gifted Children also calls for attention to the specific needs of gifted learners in the implementation of the national content standards and their corresponding assessments.
A Definition of Giftedness that Guides Best Practice
It is essential to define giftedness in a way that considers the complex nature of giftedness and the services needed to serve gifted and talented students.
Differentiating Curriculum and Instruction for Gifted and Talented Students
Most gifted children in the United States spend the majority of their school time in regular classroom settings, grouped with age peers who have a wide range of academic achievement and potential. This expansive range of needs in every classroom underscores the importance of assessing all students appropriately and providing differentiated curriculum and instruction that will promote their learning.
Early Childhood
This position paper, initiated by the Early Childhood Division of NAGC, focuses on creating optimal environments for recognizing, developing, and nurturing the strengths and talents of young gifted children, age 3 through 8.
Standards for Teacher Preparation Programs in Gifted Education
Teacher Preparation Standards in Gifted Education have been approved by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Click here to learn more
CCSD supports teachers who wish to earn a GATE endorsement from the Nevada Department of Education by offering course-work and stipends.
Grouping gifted children is one of the foundations of exemplary gifted education practice. The research on the many grouping strategies available to educators of these children is long, consistent, and overwhelmingly positive (Rogers, 2006; Tieso, 2003).
Identifying and Serving Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Gifted Students
As the nation becomes more and more diverse, gifted education programs should reflect changing U.S. demographics. Equitably identified gifted students represent cultural and linguistic diversity as well as a wide range of socioeconomic groups and geographic areas.
The Importance of Parent, Family, and Community Engagement
NAGC believes that parents and families of gifted, high-ability, and advanced learners matter. Family is critical to the development and support of students’ talents and research supports the long- and short-term benefits of parent, family, and community engagement on student performance, school attendance, and social and emotional growth and development, regardless of income, ethnicity, culture, language proficiency, or geography.
Mandated Services for Gifted and Talented Students
NAGC supports mandating services to meet the unique needs of gifted and talented children.
NAGC-NMSA Joint Position Statement
The National Association for Gifted Children and the National Middle School Association share a commitment to developing schools and classrooms in which both equity and excellence are persistent goals for each learner. Equity refers to the opportunity of every learner to have supported access to the highest possible quality education. Excellence refers to the need of every learner for opportunities and adult support necessary to maximize his or her learning potential.
Preparing All Pre-Service Teachers to Work Effectively with Gifted Learners
The role of pre-service education programs in preparing educators to work effectively with a wide range of learners is critical to student success. In order to increase the effectiveness of all teachers in working with gifted and talented students, NAGC calls on pre-service teacher preparation programs to include coursework for all their teacher candidates on the nature and needs of gifted and talented students.
Use of the WISC-V for Gifted Identification
This statement addresses guidelines for use of the WISC-V in the assessment of gifted and twice-exceptional children. Comprehensive, individual intelligence tests can be invaluable when used as part of a multi-faceted approach to identify gifted and twice exceptional children. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) is a popular cognitive assessment for this purpose. Here is a link to the previous statement on assessment of gifted and the WISC-IV.