Pioneer Academy’s Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates (J4NG) teacher Mrs. Laura Gardner took two students to participate with more than 160 other students from across the state of Nevada in the conference in Las Vegas. Senior Brooklynn Case competed in Employability Skills and placed 11 overall. Sophomore Blayne Vader competed in the Entrepreneurship skills and placed 10 overall.
The Career Development Conference has been the most sought-after event among J4NG staff and students in the last decade. It is an opportunity to bring school programs throughout Nevada together, and to compete, network and engage in workshops. While it is meant to be a friendly competition among peers, students are eager to try to bring the state trophy back to their program.
Mrs. Gardner said she was very proud of her students and how they represented themselves and Pioneer Academy. She stated Brooklynn and Blayne were honored to represent the school and have the opportunity to compete.
In addition to the competitions, Brooklynn and Blayne attended workshops and breakout sessions that promoted career and personal growth skills. Both expressed the best part of the conference was meeting and networking with other J4NG students and making new friends.